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Frequently Asked Questions



Can we do a theme wedding?

What a wonderful idea! Both Judy and Sheldon are proficient in planning special events and would be pleased to assist you. We have written old English, movie themes, very humorous, and many other wedding ceremonies.


Can we have our children included in the wedding?

Children and other family members or friends are welcome in the wedding ceremony.


Can we be married at Niagara Falls?

Most certainly! We have performed many ceremonies at Niagara Falls, and know the locations available to make your ceremony picture perfect. Permits are required from the Niagara Parks Commission.


How long does the ceremony usually take?

We tell couples to allocate twenty minutes for the ceremony.

Can we have you sign our documents only?

Couples might have an individual who they would like to do the ceremony, and will need us to sign the legal documents, we are able to do this for you.


We just want to elope can you assist us?

Yes, we have a beautiful location available or we can go to a location of your choice.


Are you aware of the paperwork?

We are knowledgeable in completing and submitting the completed paperwork. You will have to apply in person for the marriage license and 90 days after the wedding you will have to apply for the marriage certificate if you would like one.


Do we have to memorize our vows?

No, not at all. When you speak with us, ask about the different ways for the presentation of your vows.


Can pictures be taken at the ceremony?

Absolutely! Photographs are an important part of your day.


Is a rehearsal needed?

Traditionally moms and bridal books say to have one; we say talk it over with us. You should always walk through the ceremony with your wedding party. You may or may not need us for the rehearsal (much depends on place and size of wedding). There is an additional fee for a rehearsal.


When will you arrive at the venue for the ceremony?

We arrive 10-15 minutes or so before the ceremony. In every case you should give your officiant an onsite phone number.


On time weddings

All weddings must start on time. Don't leave family and friends waiting. We have set aside specific time for your wedding and may have other weddings that day.

© 2020 Niagara Region Weddings

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Sheldon & Judy |  3864 Main St.  |  Jordan, Ontario  |  L0R1S0  |  |  905-562-8269

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